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时间:2024-11-07 08:37:38

Zero /'zɪroʊ/ n. 零,零度。

It's a noun, and then now you know the meaning of it. Please help me to translate the example sentence into Chinese in the commentary area.


Example sentence:No matter in daily life or on the job. Everything will restart from zero after you complete one thing.

Today, we are talking about "Zero". But don't forget what we learned before. So let's review the words together.Allow(允许). Bronze(青铜). Cattle(牛). Detergent(洗涤液). Elbow(肘部). Fluid(液体). Gross(总重). Horizon(地平线). Identity(身份). Jack(插座). Lottery(彩票).Mist(雾).Nutrition(营养).Oily(油的).Poet(诗人). Quarantine (隔离).Ride(骑).Sauce(酱料).Track(跑道).Usage(用法).Vision(视力).Weight(体重).Xerox(复印).Yard(院子).